
Placer County, CA


Here is where you can find a florist for Placer County, CA.   Below is a directory with links to their web pages where available.    This free business directory is provided by Placer County Commerce.




Directory of Placer County Florists

Do you have a business that should be here - but it isn't?   Is there some information listed here that is not correct?  Just provide us with the information, and the next time we update the directory we will include your business name, phone number, and website address. This service is provided at no charge.    The update link is at bottom of the directory.

Abstraction Florist
2221 Sunset Blvd., Rocklin
916 - 435 - 8801

Bryan's Florist
1296 Lincoln Way, Auburn
530 - 885 - 2192

Calla Lily Crossing
472 G., Lincoln
916 - 645 - 5459

Cool Florist
2968 Hwy. 49, Cool
530 - 885 - 2750

Country Florist & Gifts
10510 Combie Rd., Auburn
530 - 268 - 3401

Fit For A Queen Florist & Gifts
3031 Stanford Ranch Rd., Rocklin
916 - 435 - 2830

Flower Market, The
7501 Galilee Rd., Roseville
916 - 780 - 0858

Flower Works
P. O. Box 1818, Loomis
916 - 652 - 8448

Flowers By Foote's
896 High, Auburn
530 - 885 - 9741

Lake of the Pines Florist
10966 Combie Rd., Auburn
530 - 268 - 6776

Lincoln Florist & Gifts
531 G., Lincoln
916 - 645 - 2303

Loomis Blue Ribbon Florist
3793 Taylor Rd., Loomis
916 - 652 - 5895

Meadow Vista Florist & Gifts
16880 Placer Hills Rd., Meadow Vista
530 - 878 - 9394

More Than A Pretty Vase
P. O. Box 5995, Auburn
530 - 889 - 5630

Newcastle Florist & Gifts
455 Main, Newcastle
916 - 663 - 1274

O'Shays Flowers & Antiques
1280 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn
530 - 823 - 1169

Petals & Sweets
1145 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn
530 - 889 - 3939

Rocklin Florist Inc.
5885 Pacific, Rocklin
916 - 624 - 1651